Scout Completes Eagle Project amidst Coronavirus Struggles

With the onset of COVID-19, Scouts continued to search for ways to continue progressing through the ranks. The stay at home orders and social distancing ordinances have hindered many Scouts’ ability to advance. More specifically, Scouts quickly approaching their 18th birthdays were left wondering how they would be able to complete their Eagle Projects in time.

One such candidate in WLACC was Marshall Ponder of Troop 307. His project was planned for the weekend of March 26-28th, one week after the State of California announced the shelter-in-place order. After contacting his Scoutmaster and Eagle Adviser, no definite answer could be provided as to possible workarounds. Soon after, the National Council granted an extension for Scouts on the age cusp who were attempting to complete their projects during the onset of COVID-19. After the merit badges and leadership requirements were completed, Marshall’s extension application was approved.

Marshall then set his project dates for June 13-14th to complete the work on his project. However, Los Angeles County has been profoundly impacted by the pandemic, and most places have been very slow to open. In addition, Marshall had to not only assign a First Aider for the project, but he also had to assign a COVID-19 monitor as well to ensure that the project was in line with California regulations and safety standards. Marshall took the time to review protocols with monitors and provided the workers with information as to how to go about the project in a safe manner. By ensuring that those aiding with the project were following social distancing and wearing proper safety equipment, the project was completed seamlessly.

Marshall’s chosen beneficiary was the First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills, Troop 307’s Sponsor Organization. The Troop was established back in 1955 and the scouts enjoy giving back to their sponsor. The Church has benches for its members to enjoy sitting outside by a fountain or in the sun to enjoy the fellowship offered by fellow members. In order to restore benches to use, the project needed to accomplish three tasks: clean the wood of materials that had accumulated over the years, sand the wood to ensure that splinters were removed and grain was open, and apply the proper wood oil for the preservation of the bench. The benches looked new when refinished and will provide relaxation for years to come.

Great job scouts and volunteers. For all Eagle Candidates concerned about completing their project during these unprecedented times, it is possible to not only finish the project but minimize the spread of the virus as well. We love sharing Eagle Projects so please send us your write-ups similar to this format so we can share them with the public and our members!

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