COVID-19 Guidelines for Camps


All participants will be required to complete the COVID-19 Pre-Event Medical Screening Checklist

Pre- Camp Preparation

If eligible, staff, volunteers, campers, and family members should get fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Ideally, wait 2 weeks after completing vaccination for COVID-19 before traveling to camp.

Campers and staff not vaccinated will submit proof of a negative COVID-19 test to their unit leader taken within 1-3 days before leaving for camp. Campers and staff should isolate between taking the test and departing for camp.

Campers, their families, and camp staff will be required to follow guidance for travelers prior to coming to camp.

Daily Health Screening

Units will conduct daily symptom checking to monitor the health and well-being of campers during the camp session. This will be done within the unit campsite prior to breakfast and dinner on a daily basis. Each unit is asked to bring their own forehead thermometer.

Handwashing and Covering Coughs and Sneezes

Additional handwashing stations have been added at the dining hall.

Touch-free faucets have been installed throughout the Camp.

Hand sanitizer will also be located throughout the Camp.

Scouts will be regularly reminded about the importance of proper handwashing.

Personal Protective Equipment

All people in camp facilities will be required to wear masks at all times with exceptions for certain people, or for certain settings or activities, such as while eating and drinking or swimming. Campers and staff can use well-fitting cloth masks with two or more layers of tightly woven, breathable fabric or disposable masks. N95 respirators or other personal protective equipment intended for healthcare workers should be worn only by camp medical staff when appropriate.

Campers will be required to have more than one mask on hand so that they can easily replace a dirty mask with a clean one. All Campers will be required to bring a minimum of 6 masks each to Camp. Masks should be at least 2 layers. Gators, neckerchiefs, bandanas, etc. are NOT acceptable masks.

Masking requirements may be modified to ensure compliance with all applicable CDC, State, County, and BSA guidelines.

Altered activities and classes

Classes and activities will be adjusted to limit contact and ensure the safety of all participants.


Cohorting: Cohorts (or “pods”) are groups of campers and staff that stay together throughout the day to minimize exposure to other people while at camp.

 Troops will be functioning as cohorts.
 Different Troops will NOT be mixed into the same cohort.
 Colored wristbands will be issued to differentiate members of cohorts.
 There will be very limited mixing between cohorts.
 Cohorting will not replace other prevention measures, including wearing masks.
 Campers and staff in the same cohort should continue to wear masks at all times, except when eating and drinking or swimming.

Maintaining Physical Distance: Physical distancing provides protection by reducing risk of exposure and limiting the number of close contacts when someone is infected with COVID-19.

 At least 3 feet between all campers within a cohort
 At least 6 feet between all campers outside of their cohort
 At least 6 feet while eating and drinking without a mask indoors, including among people within the same cohort.
 At least 6 feet between campers and staff
 At least 6 feet between staff

The Camps will use physical or visual guides to reinforce physical distancing of at least 6 feet.

Food Service

Food Service has been modified in accordance with CDC, State, and County guidelines

 There will be no self service.
 Pedal activated water bottle refill station is located at the Dining Hall.
 All dining will be located outdoors.
 Food will be served by properly trained and PPE protected staff.

No unexpected or Outside visitors

Unexpected or unscheduled visitors can potentially increase the risk of infection and break our “camp bubble.” Only visitors or authorized staff required for necessary safe and healthy camp operations will be permitted on camp properties for authorized business.

Campsites and Tenting

Campers will sleep head to toe.