The BSA-COVID-19 FAQ answers questions about In-Person Unit Activities, Camping this Summer, and Advancement
Camp Facilities: Check the Camp websites for the current status for Emerald Bay, Josepho, and Whitsett.
WLACC Camping Department COVID-19 Reopening Plan
An Essential Guide To Enjoying US National Parks Responsibly: National Parks are a popular (and relatively safe) way to spend some much needed time outdoors for physical health and mental wellbeing during the pandemic. Minimizing the impact on National Parks whilst preventing the spread of COVID-19 is more crucial than ever.
For Eagle Scout workbooks and any other advancement-related items: please note that no Scout will be penalized for circumstances outside their control, including COVID-19. As soon as the national office releases a statement on advancement, we will update you with the information.
Scout Shops: See the Scout Shops page for the current status..
Consideration should be given to conducting monthly leader and committee meetings, and other meetings using virtual web technology.
The health and safety of our members, volunteers and employees is a high priority. Accordingly, we are continuing to evaluate the situation and will update you about any decisions impacting future events and activities at our camp facilities, Scout Shops and other facilities.
Leader Information:
Scouting Continues from Home
In this time of being at home, it is more important then ever to continue your scouting adventures from home. The Council and National BSA have been providing plenty of resources and ideas for scouting while at home. Take a look at what we have put together and what the scouting community has put together for all. The these tabs have resources and ideas for home scouting.
Unit Meetings
Units should continue to have meetings during this time to promote scouting, during these meetings you can work on advancements, skills, and more. There are many platforms that can be used to hold these meetings, below is a list:
- Zoom – Video and Audio call on computer, phone, tablet (you get 40 minutes of free call time for groups over 2)
- Free Conference Call – This allows you to make a phone conference call room to give out and talk with multiple people online.
- Slack – A team work flow application to create chat rooms to talk and share resources over text. Works on computer and mobile devices.
- CISCO Webex – A web meeting service for video and audio that works on computer and mobile.
- Go to Meeting – A web meeting service for video and audio that works on computer and mobile.
- Discord – A web chat room that does both voice and text chat. Allows units to make rooms for different groups and to share resources in chat. Works on computer and mobile.
Sharing you Successes
Have a good virtual meeting? Take some pictures and share them on social media using the #BSAwestLA so we can see what all our units and scouts are doing and share with the rest of the council.
Cub Scouts
Lion - Kindergarten
- 30 Day Challenge. Help your Lion keep their skills sharp by taking on our 30-day challenge
- Animal Kingdom | This Adventure is all about community. | Required Adventure
- Build it Up, Knock it Down | This Adventure is all about building. | Elective Adventure
- Gizmos and Gadgets | This Adventure is all about motion, force and creating objects. | Elective Adventure
- I’ll Do It Myself | This Adventure is all about being prepared. | Elective Adventure
- Pick My Path | This Adventure is all about to do a good turn daily. | Elective Adventure
- Ready, Set, Grow | This Adventure focuses on plants and gardens. | Elective Adventure
Tiger - First Grade
- 30 Day Challenge. Help your Tiger keep their skills sharp by taking on our 30-day challenge
- Brian’s Cub Scout Magic (Virtual) Course. Tiger Elective Adventure: Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries
- Backyard Jungle | This Adventure and is very hands-on with planting something and building birdhouses — this can be done as a solo family Adventure. | Required Adventure
- My Family’s Duty to God | This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. | Required Adventure
- Tiger Bites | An Adventure that covers food choices and preparation, manners and nutrition. | Required Adventure
- Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries | An Adventure about magic, codes, sign language and more. | Elective Adventure
- Family Stories | An Adventure about family heritage. | Elective Adventure
- Sky is the Limit | Adventure all about the night sky, constellations, astronauts, etc. | Elective Adventure
- Stories in Shapes | An Adventure about art. | Elective Adventure
- Tiger-Safe and Smart | An Adventure all about home and neighborhood safety. | Elective Adventure
- Tiger Tales | An Adventure all about story-telling, tall tales, singing. | Elective Adventure
Wolf - Second Grade
- 30 Day Challenge. Help your Wolf keep their skills sharp by taking on our 30-day challenge
- Paws on the Path | An Adventure covering hiking skills and nature and maps. | Required Adventure
- Adventures in Coins | An Adventure about Coins. | Elective Adventure
- Code of the Wolf | An Adventure that uses math games and secret codes. | Elective Adventure
- Digging in the Past | An Adventure about dinosaurs, fossils, and archaeology. | Elective Adventure
- Finding Your Way | An Adventure about map and compass, hiking and a scavenger hunt. | Elective Adventure
- Germs Alive | An Adventure about keeping clean and germs. | Elective Adventure
- Grow Something | An Adventure about planting and make a terrarium. | Elective Adventure
- Motor Away | An Adventure about cars, boats and paper airplanes. | Elective Adventure
- Paws of Skill | An Adventure about fitness, sports, sporting event, and obstacle courses. | Elective Adventure
Bear - Third Grade
- 30 Day Challenge. Help your Bear keep their skills sharp by taking on our 30-day challenge
- BALOO the Builder | An Adventure covering using tools and wood tools. | Required Adventure
- Bear Claws | An Adventure all about knife use and knife safety. | Required Adventure
- Fellowship and Duty to God | This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. | Required Adventure
- Paws for Action | An Adventure that’s all about history/patriotism, visiting a law enforcement facility, basic emergency preparedness, energy conservation, and a cleanup service project. | Required Adventure
- Bear Picnic Basket | An Adventure about cooking. | Elective Adventure
- Make It Move | An Adventure about fun Engineering. | Elective Adventure
- Roaring Laughter | An Adventure about Fun, Jokes, Stories, and Games. | Elective Adventure
- Robotics | An Adventure about robots. | Elective Adventure
- Super Science | An Adventure about Fun Science experiments. | Elective Adventure
- A World of Sound | An Adventure about World Music and Instruments. | Elective Adventure
Webelos & Arrow of Light - 4th & 5th Grade
- 30 Day Challenge. Help your Webelos keep their skills sharp by taking on our 30-day challenge
- Duty to God and You | This is often an “at home” adventure anyway because faith beliefs in Scouting are determined by the family. | Required Adventure
- First Responder | An adventure, covering basic first aid and emergency preparedness. | Required Adventure
- Adventures In Science | An Adventure about science. | Required Adventure
- Art Explosion | An Adventure about art. | Elective Adventure
- Aware and Care | An Adventure about Disabilities Awareness. | Elective Adventure
- Build My Own Hero | An Adventure about Citizen Heroes. | Elective Adventure
- Engineer | An Adventure about engineering. | Elective Adventure
- Fix It | An Adventure about home repairs. | Elective Adventure
- Game Design | An Adventure about games. | Elective Adventure
- Looking Back, Looking Forward | An Adventure about Your Own Timeline. | Elective Adventure
- Maestro | An Adventure about music. | Elective Adventure
- Moviemaking | An Adventure about moviemaking. | Elective Adventure
- Project Family | An Adventure about family life. | Elective Adventure
Scouting Program Resource Links
Here are resources for families looking to engage their children in Scouting
- Scout Saturday Live!
Packed with games, projects, science experiments, and prizes, the SSL! livestream broadcast has something for everyone. The program will air every-other Saturday and is hosted by Scouts. - Cub Scout 30-Day Challenge
Packed full of adventure and elective requirements, use this daily checklist as a road map to rank advancement. - Completing Cub Scout Rank Adventures
Resource Links
Here are resources for families looking to engage their children in fun activities
- Computerwisekids
Looking for an opportunity that’s educational, fun, AND supports Scouts? With Computerwisekids, students can learn to create programs, code, make animations, games, and programs, and/or have the experience of a lifetime on Minecraft & Roblox! Use the code bsa2020 at for a portion of your registration to benefit Scouts. - Khan Academy
Especially good for math and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it’s mostly common material. - Futurelearn
Free to access hundreds of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account). - Openlearn
Free taster courses aimed at those considering Open University but everyone can access it. Adult level, but some e.g. nature and environment courses could well be of interest to young people. - Blockly
Learn computer programming skills – fun and free. - Scratch
Creative computer programming - Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos - National Geographic Kids
Activities and quizzes for younger kids - Duolingo
Learn languages for free - Mystery Science
Free science lessons - The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos - Crash Course
You Tube videos on many subjects - Crash Course Kids
As above for a younger audience - Crest Awards
Science awards you can complete from home - Tinkercad
All kinds of making - Prodigy Math
Good for elementary school ages - Big History Project
Aimed at Secondary age, multi-disciplinary activities - Geography Games
Geography gaming! - STEM Simulators
- Learn Computer Science
- The Artful Parent
Good, free art activities linked to from this Facebook page - Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones - The Imagination Tree
Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest - Toy Theater
Educational online games